• KilHo Choi Structural Engineering Specialist
    COWI Korea, 8 years of experiences

    ENFP(Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Perceiving) Engineer striving for health, family, and freedom through optimization from a lifelong perspective.


    8-year Civil Structural Design Engineer


    Matlab, Python User


    It has been over a year since I integrated coding into my work, and I am currently using Python for new projects.

    Through my posts, I hope many engineers and students aspiring to be engineers will realize that challenging themselves with coding is not as difficult as they may think.




    Graduated from Gyeonggi Science High School

    Bachelor's Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University

    Master's Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University




    ENFPgineer - YouTube

    Skills & Expertise