Insights worth sharing

Motives for better Engineering

Coulomb's wedge theory
of earth pressure

Explore horizontal earth pressure,
Coulomb's theory, and its applications.
Compare geotechnical results and
understand the trial wedge method's nuances.

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Baltimore bridge collapse:
What structural engineers can do

Explore the technical content on vessel collision
to calculate the annual frequency of bridge component collapse.

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Seismic Isolation in Structural Design:
Concepts and Applications

Introducing the concept of seismic isolation design.

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The Challenges: Design and Construction of Irregular Bridges

Percy PenafielOct 20, 2023

There are times when engineers would have to design and evaluate bridge structures that fall outside of the AASHTO design guideline. Therefore, when do we define a structure as irregular? How is evaluating an irregular bridge different from evaluating a regular bridge? How to minimize errors during the construction of irregular bridges? We invited midas expert Percy Penafiel, Professional Engineer Specialist from Nevada Department of Transportation, to answer some of the frequently asked questions from our users regarding evaluating irregular bridge structures.