Insights worth sharing

Motives for better Engineering

Coulomb's wedge theory
of earth pressure

Explore horizontal earth pressure,
Coulomb's theory, and its applications.
Compare geotechnical results and
understand the trial wedge method's nuances.

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Baltimore bridge collapse:
What structural engineers can do

Explore the technical content on vessel collision
to calculate the annual frequency of bridge component collapse.

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Seismic Isolation in Structural Design:
Concepts and Applications

Introducing the concept of seismic isolation design.

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Understanding Creep Analysis Through Flexibility Methods

Creep Analysis 3

The blog article of Creep Analysis 3 showed how Dr. Ghali et al. explained the creep analysis by flexibility methods.

To better understand the creep behavior, solve the previous example in a less efficient way. Here, different sign conventions will be applied.

Decoding Multi-Span Bridge Design with Continuous Decks

Yanling LengOct 18, 2023

Analyzing Unsymmetric Sections in Structural Design

Unsymmetric Section Analysis


Exploring Stiffness Methods in Creep Analysis of Girders

Creep Analysis 3

We have gone through two different approaches by Dr. El-Badry so far. You can find the previous articles via these two links: Creep Analysis 1, Creep Analysis 2.

For creep analysis, the most common problem in the real-world design is continuous girders built as span by span. This example is very well explained by Dr. Ghali et al. (Concrete structures, Stresses, and deformations, 4th ed., CRC press, Example 4-2). Dr. Ghali et al. explained this problem by flexibility methods. The author will solve this same problem by stiffness methods. The programs do the matrix formulation and equation solve, and only the load matrix formulation and post-processing are our concern in the stiffness methods. Two MIDAS files are attached.

First, the author wants to define the sign convention for member forces clearly.

Evolving Methods in Creep Analysis

Creep Analysis 2 

Innovative Approaches in Prestressed Girders Bridge Design

Ahmed Rageh, PhD, PEOct 18, 2023

The midas model is for a multi-channel prestressed girders bridge 30 ft span and 24.75 ft width. The bridge is composed of 9-channel prestressed girders placed side by side. The bridge was modeled with frame elements for the girder's webs and plate elements for the girder's flange. Bridge dimensions and midas models are shown below.

Navigating FEM Challenges: Accuracy in Analysis

The scary part of FEM is sometimes FEM gives wrong results without any error message. The analysis may be meaningless if an engineer cannot check or interpret the results. Let’s consider a simple example similar to the case from Dr. Gallagher (Finite Element Analysis: Fundamentals, 1975).

Advancing FEA: High-Order Triangular Elements Explained

For the previous example, we can use high-order triangular elements. This element has six nodes per element and assumes the displacement is quadratic within an element. Also, each side edge can be curved, as shown.

Advanced Creep Analysis for Two-Span Bridges Explained

Creep Analysis 5 MIDAS Example 



Analyzing Quadrilateral Elements in Structural FEA

Continuing on to the third part of this multi-part blog, another option is a quadrilateral element. As always, let’s start with an example.

Column Buckling Analysis: Self-Weight Impact Explored

So you have learned about column buckling under a point load applied at the end of the column, do you know if columns can buckle under their self-weight? Let’s explore it and run some analyses using midas Civil.

Innovations in Concrete Arch Bridge Design for Railways


Exploring Concrete Shear Equations: θ and β in Design

Concrete Shear Equation


Understanding Shear Behavior in Concrete with θ and β

Findings and remarks