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Explore horizontal earth pressure,
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to calculate the annual frequency of bridge component collapse.
Introducing the concept of seismic isolation design.
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Eq(2) is a 4th-order differential equation, and we can imagine it is not simple to solve.
To calculate the area of influence lines, Simpson’s method has been applied. Simpson’s method results in a very accurate value if the number of divisions is even and each division has the same length.
The previous article (Curvature effects on a medium-span curved bridge) showed that we should be cautious to get reasonable torsional moments through simple beam analysis. One of the easiest ways to refine the results is to add more nodes at the inner support locations, however, we still have a question about “how many?”. Now we are reviewing the effect of curvature for bending moments.
We are trying to find bending moments for three spans continuous curved girder, 150
ft + 223 ft + 150 ft = 523 ft, the radius is 1182’-6” as shown.
I girder vs. tub girder
Our next question may be “What are the differences between an I and a tub girder?”