Advanced Composite Section Analysis in Structural Design

Oct 17, 2023
2 minute read

Composite Section Analysis


Finally we came to the composite section analysis. One of the best examples is from Dr. Gilbert and Dr. Ranzi (Example 5.10, Time-dependent behavious of concrete structures, CRC Press, 2010.)

Next Steps


The proposed example is AS5100.5 Type 3 girder with 2400×150 CIP deck.


Next Steps[1]

Next Steps[2]

Next Steps[3]

The Different Steps


Step 0)

At age 7, the girder is released with PT=1000 kN/tendon. DL moment at span center is M=550 kN-m. Ducts have not been grouted yet.


Ec(7)=25 GPa.
A duct = (1/4)?(60mm)2 = 0.00283 mm2


Ec(7)=25 GPa


Due To DL  Moment

Due To DL  Moment


Due To Post Tensioning

N = -2000 kN
M = (-1000 kN)(1.03m+1.16m) = -2190 kN-m


Due To Post Tensioning







Part 9 


Step 1)

Calculate strain and stress at age 40. The structural system is the same as step 0) and the differences are only the time effects.

General equation for the time-dependent analysis is as follows.


General equation for the time-dependent analysis is as follows


For step 1), the equation can be simplified as below.


For step 1), the equation can be simplified as below

Ec(40)=32 GPa


Section property

Section property


Restraining force and strain


Due to creep


Due to creep[1]

Due to creep[2]


Due to shrinkage




creep analysis due to shrinkage


Due to relaxation

Due to relaxation[1]

Due to relaxation[2]


Unrestrained strain summary


Unrestrained strain summary-1


Stress caused by unrestrained strain summary (MPa)


Step 4) - Stress caused by unrestrained strain summary (MPa)


Restrained strain summary 0


Restrained strain summary 0

Restrained strain diagram

Restrained strain diagram



Stress caused by unstrained and restrained strain summary (MPa)

Stress caused by unstrained and restrained strain summary (MPa)


Step 2)


At this step deck is poured and the moment is M40 = 620 kN-m. The structural system is the same as step 1).


Due to deck moment


Due to deck moment

Step 2) - Restrained strain summary and diagram


Step 2) - Restrained strain summary and diagram


Step 2) - Stress caused by restrained strain summary (MPa)


Step 2) - Stress caused by restrained strain summary (MPa)


Step 2) - Stress caused by unstrained and restrained strain summary (MPa)


Step 2) - Stress caused Step 2) - Stress caused by unstrained and restrained strain summary (MPa)by unstrained and restrained strain summary (MPa)


Step 3)

Duct grouting and deck composite commencement at day of 40.
Ec deck = 18 GPa

Step 3)


Step 4)

Calculate strain and stress at age of 60.

Step 4)


Strain summary


Strain summary


Due to creep


Due to creep[N,M]

Due to creep[N,M]2


Due to shrinkage



Due to shrinkage Girder




Due to shrinkage Deck


Due to relaxation

Due to relaxation[3]


Step 4) - Unrestrained strain summary


Step 4) - Unrestrained strain summary


Step 4) - Stress caused by unrestrained strain summary (MPa)


Stress caused by unrestrained strain summary (MPa)


Step 4) - Restrained strain summary with diagram


Step 4) - Restrained strain summary with diagram


Step 4) - Stress caused by restrained strain summary (MPa)


Step 4) - Stress caused by restrained strain summary (MPa)


Step 4) - Stress caused by unstrained and restrained strain summary (MPa)


Step 4) - Stress caused by unstrained and restrained strain summary (MPa)


About the Editor
Seungwoo Lee PhD, P.E., S.E.
Senior Supervising Engineer at WSP USAs (Tampa, FL)

He is a Senior Supervising Engineer with a high level of expertise in the design and analysis of suspension bridges. He has a solid fundamental understanding of structures and can apply his knowledge exceptionally well to the design and analysis of highly complex structures. He is also a strong communicator, able to identify and distill the key information that is relevant to the task at hand and present it in a clear and quickly understandable manner.

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