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Motives for better Civil Engineering

What do a rapper and an engineer
have in common? | Shelem

With his engaging stage presence and storytelling acuity,
Shelem entertains the right brain/left brain myth.

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10 Inspiring Movies
Every Civil Engineer Should Watch

Discover Movies That Inspire Civil Engineers:
From Resilience to Innovation

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How do we distinguish the arch bridge
according to the deck position?

A simple video provides a more intuitive view of
the type of arch bridge.

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World's Civil Engineering Awards

Jegeon RyuMay 10, 2024

Recognition sometimes motivates professionals to exceed boundaries and strive for excellence. Internationally, there are numerous civil engineering awards that acknowledge the remarkable achievements and contributions of civil engineers. This blog will explore some of the world’s most famous civil engineering awards. For civil engineers aiming to leave a lasting impact on the field, these awards serve as sources of inspiration and motivation.


Here's a breakdown of some of the most prominent awards for civil engineers and structures:

The Blue Dot Effect: Why My Project Never Ends

Jegeon RyuMay 01, 2024



Have you ever felt like your structural Engineering Projects would never end? Or have you felt anxious at the end of engineering design, even though there were no errors? Have you ever experienced discovering minor errors as your engineering project approached the final stage? As you're finding yourself nearing the end of a project, you start to think, “Is the project good enough? Have I actually done enough? Are there any problems?” The cause may be more of a psychological phenomenon rather than a defect in the structure or the project itself. Let's explore the "Blue Dot Effect," which explains this issue as a psychological phenomenon. Let's drill down on it.


Interesting History of Structural Engineering 5 - Information Age

Jegeon RyuApr 29, 2024

The Information Age, also known as the Computer Age, is closely intertwined with the emergence of personal computers. For insights into the history of Structural Engineering before the Information Age, explore the following: 

Interesting History of Structural Engineering 1 - BC

Interesting History of Structural Engineering 2 - The Scientific Revolution

Interesting History of Structural Engineering 3 - 19th Century

Interesting History of Structural Engineering 4 - 20th Century


Interesting History of Structural Engineering 3 - 19th Century

Jegeon RyuApr 23, 2024

You can find information about the history of Structural Engineering Before Christ here:

Interesting History of Structural Engineering 1 - BC

Interesting History of Structural Engineering 2 - Scientific Revolution


Interesting History of Structural Engineering 2 - Scientific Revolution

Jegeon RyuApr 19, 2024

You can find information about the history of Structural Engineering Before Christ here: Interesting History of Structural Engineering - BC


Interesting History of Structural Engineering 1 - BC

Jegeon RyuApr 15, 2024


Understanding Sinkholes: Occurrence, Impacts, and Prevention Strategies

Sungjin JoApr 11, 2024


3D Printer builds House

Jegeon RyuFeb 01, 2024

The Highest Bridges by Type

Jegeon RyuJan 31, 2024



Building a longest bridge or a longest span of a bridge both require advanced technical expertise. Additionally, constructing a bridge at a considerable height poses a special challenge for engineers. Since MOTIVE has already explored the world's longest bridges and the longest spans, let's take a look at the highest bridges by type in the world. Before that, let's take a look at the tallest bridge.

Fashion designers who were Architects

Jegeon RyuJan 30, 2024