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Motives for better Civil Engineering

What do a rapper and an engineer
have in common? | Shelem

With his engaging stage presence and storytelling acuity,
Shelem entertains the right brain/left brain myth.

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10 Inspiring Movies
Every Civil Engineer Should Watch

Discover Movies That Inspire Civil Engineers:
From Resilience to Innovation

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How do we distinguish the arch bridge
according to the deck position?

A simple video provides a more intuitive view of
the type of arch bridge.

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The Highest Bridges by Type

Jegeon RyuJan 31, 2024



Building a longest bridge or a longest span of a bridge both require advanced technical expertise. Additionally, constructing a bridge at a considerable height poses a special challenge for engineers. Since MOTIVE has already explored the world's longest bridges and the longest spans, let's take a look at the highest bridges by type in the world. Before that, let's take a look at the tallest bridge.