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Motives for better Civil Engineering

What do a rapper and an engineer
have in common? | Shelem

With his engaging stage presence and storytelling acuity,
Shelem entertains the right brain/left brain myth.

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10 Inspiring Movies
Every Civil Engineer Should Watch

Discover Movies That Inspire Civil Engineers:
From Resilience to Innovation

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How do we distinguish the arch bridge
according to the deck position?

A simple video provides a more intuitive view of
the type of arch bridge.

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Comparing Pre tensioned and Post tensioned concrete

Tyler LeyMay 15, 2024
*This post is based on a video created by Tyler Ley, a professor with over 20 years of engineering experience.

Why do we need to create finite element models?

Harold S.Y HaMar 26, 2024

3D Printer builds House

Jegeon RyuFeb 01, 2024

Fashion designers who were Architects

Jegeon RyuJan 30, 2024