Hello, this is Jegeon, the MOTIVE project manager. I'd like to introduce a fascinating TED talk titled "What do a rapper and an engineer have in common?" by Shelem, a civil engineer with a P.E. qualification who also engages in rap activities. Through examples of his design project and rap lyrics, let's explore the relationship between logical thinking and creative thinking.
Solving Puzzles: The Common Ground
Shelem describes what engineers and rappers have in common as "puzzle." Just like individuals can assemble the same puzzle differently, there can be various approaches to completing the puzzle. Let's see why he expressed it that way by looking at the problem-solving process as an engineer.
Engineering: Completing a puzzle with limited puzzle pieces
His first project acting as the lead design engineer was for a water line replacement. The old water pipes were outdated, requiring the installation of new ones. The method of directly replacing the old water pipes with new ones was deemed impractical, as it would take too long, and people would be without water during the construction period. To install the new water pipes, they needed to be placed somewhere nearby, connected to the houses along the new line, and then the old water pipes removed.
Shelem had two basic options for placing the new water pipes: putting them under the road or in the center of the yards of houses. Considering that the second option was not preferred by the residents, he contemplated the first option.
However, this method would take a long time, and there were drawbacks such as the road collapsing under the weight of vehicles and additional costs for road paving, exceeding the project budget.
He drew multiple lines on 'Google Earth.' Eventually, He found a solution by drilling across ridge, zigzagging through people's yards, minimizing damage to roads and yards while staying within budget.
Rapping: Completing a puzzle with 26 alphabets
As a rapper, the process of writing lyrics is similar. He had to create something new and fresh using the same sounds and words. He had to create something new with the same sounds and words that everyone has used for hundreds of years.
One of the songs Shelem composed is 'Suga Wata.' In the process of writing lyrics, he established an overall theme of 'I'm sugar for you,' emphasized the role of oxygen as a life-giving element, and creatively connected it with the letter B (boron) to express "Let her be" and highlighted the chemical interaction.
Shelem suggests that "logical thinking and creative thinking are are similar." What do you think, dear readers? Shelem's design work as a civil engineer and music production are both logical and creative and connected to his love of puzzles. If you ever thought to yourself, "I lack creativity" or "I lack logical reasoning," it might be beneficial to reconsider and broaden your perspective.
Furthermore, for those who, like Shelem, aspire to have diverse hobbies or pursue a second career, gaining inspiration from Shelem's story and considering embarking on new challenges as a start to the new year might be valuable.
Shelem, who holds the seemingly mismatched professions of an engineer and a rapper, has inspired engineers worldwide with his Ted Talk, amassing over 20,000 views. You can watch the original video with detailed insights into Shelem's work process through the provided link. Additionally, how about listening to Shelem's song "Suga Wata" mentioned in the Ted Talk?
Original Ted Talk Video : What do a rapper and an engineer have in common? | Shelem | TEDxMarshallU
Shelem’s Official Website :
Beckley, WV native Shelem is a hip-hop artist known for his hands-on approach to engaging his audience. Born Isaac Shelem Fadiga in Silver Spring, he began producing, writing, and recording his own songs at age 14.
He attended Marshall University in Huntington, WV to pursue a degree in Civil Engineering. Upon graduating in 2018, he moved to Charleston, WV to begin his engineering career. With innovative flair, Shelem has a knack for bringing his art to life. His primary focus has always been to bring levity into the lives of people in as many ways as possible. With the success of his 2021 summer single “Suga Wata,” Shelem has continued to expand his reach with a featured article on NPR Music’s Slingshot Series, an unforgettable video release, and performances throughout West Virginia and beyond.
For more details, visit his official page (👈click).
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